One Froggy Night
Well it took me a week, but I'm finally putting in an entry for our trip last weekend. You'll be able to tell from the pics that it was one foggy weekend, or "froggy" as we like to say! It was extremely mild, and we had a wicked time! I'll just comment on the pics..which were provided by Scott, thank you goes.. This is sparky, the fire we built after many trips of hauling our gear in and lots and lots of shovelling (eh Nick?)
This pic was taken in Scott's yard on Saturday, as you can see it was 5 degrees at the time, the fog was just setting in, the temp reached 12 degrees that day!
This is Scott's firepit, just a pic to show how foggy it was! Freaky!
Here's a pic of Nick and I, we were both soaked, it was raining by this point. Still having a blast though!
And here's a big pile of snow that came crashing down off the roof of the camp, it sounded like an earthquake when it fell!
Here's Nick and Kari by the fire, I think that's Dahlia in Kari's lap
Here's Scott and Vince, Vince has a camp down the road from us.
This is Vince's four-wheeler with the trax, really cool rig! This thing just plows through the snow!
Of course we have to have a pic of Jake, this was actually taken while Scott was holding a chip in the air, he was begging big time!
And here is Nick and Kari's dog Dahlia, look at those cute little teeth!
So that's about it, there were some more pics but I'll put them on another post, another day! We're heading back up this weekend with Jen, Aaron, Autumn, Mary and Chris. Should be a fun weekend, we plan to go sliding if there's any snow left! It's been raining so much and staying really mild! Till next time, Liss